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Training courses

ultima modifica 12/04/2024 13:16

Training courses

The library offers the opportunity to attend training courses on different resources such as catalogs, databases, and web resources, as well as on the services of the University Library System. The workshops are free and take place in specially equipped classrooms or online via the Zoom application.

Why participate?

Bibliographic workshops provide fundamental skills to be employed both in study and research activities:

  • Being able to select the most appropriate, reliable, and up-to-date sources.
  • Knowing how to use the most effective techniques to retrieve necessary data.
  • Being able to evaluate and organize the retrieved data.

Our Courses

  • Databases
This course introduces bibliographic research using PubMed, an elective database for medicine produced by the National Library of Medicine.
Its extension and free availability make it a valuable reference for consultation and updating, also beneficial in professional practice.
The course duration is three hours. The instructional materials include a tutorial with ten modules on bibliographic research in PubMed and accompanying slides are available here.

  • Bibliographic Management
Zotero is a reference management software useful for importing bibliographic references, creating and organizing your own archive, inserting citations into text, and automatically producing a bibliography.
The Pinali Library offers "Zotero for Bibliography Management" courses. When registering, we recommend choosing "All Areas" as the disciplinary area to have more options, from all over the Library System. Please notice that some libraries offers also this course in English, and you can attend the one you prefer, because the contents do not change in different areas.

Programming and Registration

View the scheduled courses and sign up to participate.
Guest users with a SBA card can register by filling out this form or by contacting the library writing to .

Please note that you will be asked to complete a Satisfaction Questionnaire at the end of the course.

Guides and Materials

To support the workshops and individual learning, here you can find materials used during our courses.


Federico Fogo
phone (0039) 049 821 8868

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